The new luxury metallic range has recently arrived at Plasti Dip UK HQ and we were keen to give it a try out, not as you may think on a car, but on a lamp base! Yup, metallics are very “on trend” in the world of interiors at the moment so we wanted to see if we could take a drab charity shop purchase to another level by using Plasti Dip… and (spoiler alert!) we totally loved the results…

Plasti Dip Luxury metallic in gold looks amazing on this charity shop lamp makeover and so quick and easy to do! Bring your old lighting bang up to date with this year'd metallic interior trends with a quick and easy DIY tutorial.

If you are new to Plasti Dip, it’s a rubberised paint which comes in both aerosols (which we used for this project) and tins. The finish is matt (though we sell a glossifier so you can change that) and it’s very hard wearing with a really unique look.

This makeover began with a purchase from our local hospice shop. £2 for the base and £2 for the light shade… we love an upcycling project!

charity shop lamp before being spray painted

We had a two part makeover planned using a product from our sister site for the lamp shade, but we started with the base. Gold looks almost green when you first spray it, but don’t panic as it dries the colour becomes lighter and warmer and the metallic flecks really start to stand out.

Plasti Dip - Luxury Metal - Aerosol Spray - 311g


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The two photos below were taken immediately after spraying and after about 15 minutes while it was still drying… you can see the colour difference

spraying a lamp base with gold plasti dip


The finished result was fabulous (we can say that even if we sell the stuff, right?)

gold lamp makeover

And as you’ll see in the video we also used some Greenox Spray Adhesive to recover the shade and give the whole thing a very professional finish.



Have you tried the Luxury Metallic range yet? If so we’d love to see your photos, either send them to or share them on our Facebook page or in our Dipheads Community Group.